Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Telephones by Hine and Alex

How do string telephones work and how do they relate to olden day telephones?

We did this experiment to see how our voice turned into vibrations.
The string has to be straight so the vibrations can travel through the string, and if the string isn’t straight or someone’s touching it, will absorb the vibrations. And if it’s around a corner it still want work.

We decided to have a four-way conversation to see if it worked. We tried to wrap one string around the middle of the other string. It didn’t work because it cut all the other vibrations off to the other people.

After a while we softly put one string gently on top of the other, so it touched a little too. So the vibrations could go in every direction, so the others could hear.

So we found out that four-way conversations could work. We want to find out if six-conversations could work too.

Olden/Modern day telephones.

Olden telephones work different to modern day telephones. Olden day telephones have changed past a century, you used to move the big dialling circle to make a call. Olden day telephones take up more space than modern telephones.

Olden/Modern telephones transmit your voice as vibrations into the other persons telephone, but it’s not actually your voice that has ended up on the other telephone. Your vibrations travels through the wires and changes your voice.

Modern telephones are slimmer and have improved the age of the shape of olden day telephones. Now the modern telephones have changed not having an antenna on top of it, to get a signal.

So now you know how, Olden day telephones and modern telephones compare against each other.

How do you play bottle music and how does it work?

You have to have a bottle to play the music. You blow on top of the bottle so it makes a sound and it makes a huge vibration that bounces off the glass and comes out the top.

Some people in our class decided to fill bottles up with different amounts of water to make different pitch’s.
We used some metal strikers to hit the bottles and jars to make a tune even a rhythm.

Some people changed the amounts of water for the pitch to work and it was fun at the same time.

By Hine and Alex


Room13 said...

Wow very awseome Alex and Hine
yous did an amazing jod on the string telephones!!!!!
From Cairo

Room13 said...

Wow very awseome Alex and Hine
yous did an amazing jod on the string telephones!!!!!
From Cairo