Last Wednesday room 13 and room12 went for a visit to the Marae.
We saw all sorts of things. When we arrived we hopped in rows, elders in the front, girls behind them and the boys out the back of the girls and last of all the men.
Whaea Piri told us that the nanny of the marae was going to call us on the marae. Whaea Piri said the Karanga.
We slowly walked on the Marae. As we walked on to the Marae we all saw some awesome carvings at the front of the marae.
When we got to the front of the Marae we took off our shoes and walked into the wharenui. The wharenui is called Omio, which means "vibrations", because of the earthquake.
As we walked in everyone gasped. Everyone was amazed by the wonderful art work. It felt like it was a really special place.
When we went in we sat down on left side of the tangatawhenua who are the boss of the Marae.
Before we started talking the kaumatua said a karakia.
When we finished the Karakia we all sat down and the kaumatua did a whaikorero.
After that Mr Hemi did a whaikorero as well. After Mr Hemi spoke to us we stood up and sang a waiata.
We sat down and Ben gave the Tangatawhenua a kaka beak plant.
After that we were allowed to look around. We saw korus, tukutuku panels, carvings of the ancestors. They all looked magnificent and very professional.
After we finished looking around we went to the dining room to have some morning tea. We had crackers, biscuits and mandarins.
It was awesome. I went with room 14 & 15. I liked it how they feed us and showed us what the pou pou meant
from Hannah Arnold
It was awesome. I went with room 14 & 15. I liked it how they fed us and showed us what the pou pou meant
from Hannah Arnold
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