Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Confidence Course, by Jasmine

At year  6 camp theres a confidence course which is really cool.
 My favourite is the wire line that you walk on. It was hard to jump over the wooden wall, so lots of people just walked straight past it.
It was funny on the rigging - some peolple were trying to get up but couldn't. We were neally falling off the rigging - it was so fun. It was scary one night when we played fright night in the bushes. It was dark, it was quiet, it was SCARY! Beyonce and I were so freaked out for a while. Then a teacher came and it was time to go and get ready for a shower. Oh no!

From Jasmine

First hockey Game of the Season! by Alex

Last Saturday we had our first hockey game. When I got there I saw our team watching a game. When we got on the turf Lee hit the ball.The game was on.
I got the ball quite a lot but Brook scored all our goals.The score was five to us and 8 to Taradale Primary. I play centre back and Brook got player of the day.
By Alex

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Porritt Bear, by Manaia

Today we had to say good bye to Porritt Bear, and give him back to Mr Ginns for assembly.
We had Porritt Bear for a week. On Wednesday it was "Wacky Wednesday"  and Porritt Bear wore Jasmine's wig and wore his top the wrong way round.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Ngamoko By Cairo

OMG! I'm so tired. We all went  down to have breakfast. Then we got into the bus and drove to Nga moko mountain. We saw that it was so big. Bigger than a giant's foot. Hurry take the photo already.
 We started to walk up the hill.
"I got sore feet!" shouted  Sylvia. Really, Sylvia.
It took us hours to get to the top but we saw  trees, rocks, mud and last of all lots of slimy dirt. Yuck. Finally we got between the mountains and we found out that we had to climb another one. We all gasped. Hours later we got to the top. YAY! We all shouted. Now its time to eat our lunch. After we ate our lunch we went back down the mountain. What an awesome day. Oh no my feet hurt!
Starting out
Lunch at the top
Looking at the view