Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rep trials

Push bump smash!My heart starts pumping when I run as fast as a cheetah.Its off to the backs.The backs dart through the weak defence. TRY! We score!There goes the final whistle that makes me relax.
Sitting there wondering if I'm going to get picked for the awesome team to represent Napier, I hear the names being called. My nerves grow bigger and bigger.
"Chase Solomon," he calls.
My heart just starts to glow in amazement,then fills with joy. I then shake my coaches hand and thank him.

By Chase Solomon

1 comment:

Room 6 Darlings said...

Hi Chase,
That's a good story Chase, you must have spent a lot of time writing this cool story.
Well done on getting into the Rep team. We wish you luck when you play in the Rep games.
From Room 6