Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Term One 2013

This term the year 5s have been on camp already, and the year 6s have had a week of Optimist yachting at Pandora Pond.
We will share some of our reflections from these activities.

On  the second night of Year 5 camp, we were eeling and the bulls were bellowing. It was annoying. We started to talk "bellow" back at them. So, the night went on with the bulls bellowing and us eeling.
When it was time to go to bed, I couldn't sleep because of the bulls bellowing. I started yelling at them to be quiet. I finally got to sleep around two in the morning.

At camp on Tuesday we went to the river. Manaia was screaming because she didn't like fish. She looked hideous. Mrs Henare took a photo of her screaming. We all laughed.
It all started when alex saw two big trout and they were long. Manaia didn't like fish so she screamed. We were making fun of her by saying, "Look! fish! Manaia there's a fish!"
We were all laughng hard core. It was so funny.

At camp we went to the beach. It was fun because we caught sea creatures and I saw 5 crabs and lots of kina shells, beside and in the rocks.


Room13 said...

Camp was so fun AH! Alex!from Manaia

Room13 said...

Camp was so fun AH! Alex!from Manaia